In 2020, TFAC was created to collapse the wealth gap for every child on the planet.
It is a simple yet audacious goal.
TFAC consists of two distinct programs that address the global issue of systemic poverty by focusing on our children. Our first program, TFAC Trust Funds, organizes family members and friends into a donor network on behalf of a baby or young child. An automatic monthly donation of on average $11 by 10 people for the first 20 years of the child’s life will result in the child having a TFAC Trust Fund be what is $50,000 today by the time he or she reaches 20 years of age. Beginning on the child’s 18th birthday, monthly distributions from this TFAC Trust Fund would provide minimum financial security and, when the child is elderly, are projected to be larger than the average value of a US Social Security check.
If during the first 20 years of the child’s life additional contributions are made on birthdays, holidays, and graduations, the monthly distributions could be substantially larger. Most important, everyone will now know there is a place to contribute to financially support the child’s entire adult life. They will also know upon the death of the child the remainder will be solely used to end poverty on Earth by creating TFAC Trust Funds for poor children. We believe this will make it very attractive to contribute to the TFAC Trust Fund of children people love.
Our dream is the day will come when those children create TFAC Trust Funds for their children and poverty is consistently kept out of existence using the profits of our companies.
Secondly, we have the TFAC Global Fund, to which anyone can donate and receive a full tax deduction. This capital, without ever having any expenses deducted from it, will be invested forever. The annual profits, if any, will be used to begin trusts for poor children around the world.

Again, what if ending poverty for all children was as simple as saving for our own?
One vision. Two plans.
Click here to learn more about the specifics of our two programs, TFAC Trust Funds and the TFAC Global Fund.