Until there is enough volume of TFAC Trust Funds, where $1 of every $11 contributed to a child’s TFAC Trust Fund can be used for operations, we will need contributions to cover these costs.
All donations to operations are fully tax-deductible.
We would be most appreciative of donations to assist us in the launching of TFAC.
If you would like to make a loan to help with operations, you can choose your annual interest rate to be between zero and three percent (0-3%). You will receive a loan agreement by email which will require your e-signature. Alternatively, you can print the agreement, sign, and mail a hard copy back to us.
There will be only one payment when we are able to pay the full amount. If we are not able to do so after five (5) years, we will begin paying any interest annually until we are able to pay the full amount owed.