We have successfully launched the pilot program of Trust Funds for All Children! We are now seeking additional funding to take TFAC into permanent operation. Until then, it will not be possible to launch any additional TFAC Trust Funds. If you want to be notified of when you can launch one for a child you love, sign up for email updates below. Our hope is that we will secure significant funding soon and re-start the TFAC Trust Fund program.

How to Start a
TFAC Trust Fund
Follow these instructions to sign up.
Anyone can create a TFAC Trust Fund. Start one for your grandchild, child, or as a gift to a child in another family.

Gather the documentation and contact information listed below.
Child’s Full Name
Please provide the name exactly as it appears on the child’s Social Security Card. For gifts, provide the name as you know it. We’ll confirm details with the parents.
Payment Information
We will be sending a secure link to process your payment information (ACH, credit cards, and other financial services are accepted) and start depositing your contribution into the TFAC Trust Fund. You can cancel or change the amount of your contribution at any time.
Child’s Social Security Number (Parents Only)
Please provide the number exactly as it appears on the child’s Social Security Card, if available. If the child doesn’t have one yet, you can still begin the trust.
Thank You Message (Parents Only)
We suggest that parents send a Thank You message to everyone who has agreed to be part of their child’s Community of Elders. We have provided a template for this communication here.

Complete the required form.
After receiving your contact information, we’ll email you documents that require your e-signature. If you would like to go over these materials with a staff member before signing, please send a message to info@tfac.earth.